Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Strawberries, Any Way You Slice Them

Strawberries are almost a universal favorite.

Fortunately, they are so delicious we don't mind the last minute prep work necessary for salads and desserts.

Stem the strawberries using a huller, or a knife.  Pictured are two different hullers.  They both work well.  The fancy strawberry one is more comfortable to hold in your hand.

A strawberry huller removes only the green!

Now you are ready to slice.

Using a good quality egg slicer, place the strawberries one by one on this "tiny mandoline slicer."  It is much quicker than hand slicing.

My two sisters and I once served fresh strawberry sauce on top of slices of cake for our nephew's wedding.  A whole flat of strawberries was sliced in a hour using this exact slicer, one by one.  Every bit of the 3-tiered cake was served, to about 250 people. 

I have had this slicer for 12 years.  Although a little banged up with wear, it still makes perfect cuts.

You can slice the strawberry sitting straight up in the slicer like these, or on their sides, so that the slices are round.  I think the upright cut resembles valentines.

There are commercial strawberry cutters on the market, too.  If the strawberry is too large to fit in this slicer, cut in half before using the cutter.

Either way, you have delicous strawberries to use in salads or desserts.  Yum!

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